
06-17-04 - 11:13 p.m.

an email today from the codger:

Turtle Creek is winding up and so is Bonita which makes for a lot of throwing away of files, photos and the return of the construction trailer and general house cleaning.

I thought you would be interested in what I'm doing with the things you have given me over the years (wow years). Most of them I can pass off as things I bought at the swap meet, no problem. But the Star Register certificate, Tootsie Roll Santa and the collection of entries from your diary "Our Love Affair" ( I could never let that go, I love it.) I built a hidden compartment in my watch parts cabinet in the "garret" and thats where they are now. I will treasure these forever. thank you for them.

About the birthday card, I want tell you what made me pick that one. It made me think of how you were dressed when I met you in Las Vegas and the long sensuous drive across the desert. I got all hot and bothered remembering that trip and the conclusion.

Well I just wanted to pass these things on to you, and thank for the up date on you and the kids. I think you can have a good future at Wal-mart and when you walk by the mens $9.99 white tennis shoes think of me.



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