
05-29-05 - 10:16 a.m.

after several days of little or no contact with the bike assembler, after hours of peevish, insecure, schoolgirl self-depreciating introspection (was it the broken bed? did my collapsed innerspring somehow injure his fragile male ego?) i approached carey to discover that he was "keeping us on the downlow" so wendy would truly understand why he was leaving her- (as opposed to thinking he left her for me). i patiently explained that i understood this noble logic, BUT WHY THE FUCK DIDN'T HE JUST TELL ME????
i'm sorry, he said, looking appropriately chastised, i thought i did.
then, beaming, he said, i found a place of my own, right down the street from you! it's behind the wagon wheel bar, and i feel like i'm living in a forest!
(you've got to admire THAT stretch of the imagination)
and, he added, i bought a lamp, and a rug, and a coleman blow up bed!
(note to self; in the event of a second sexual encounter, remove all safety pins.)
when i shared this story with berries, who all along insisted he was distancing himself from me in order to break free from wendy, she laughed.
feeble old man, she said. give him another chance, mom.

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