
03-28-05 - 8:51 p.m.

there's one thing to be said for cynicism; it allows for pleasant surprise. dinner with the conway guy proved to be just that; a marathon talk-fest with intermissions for food. we discovered we went to opposing high schools at the same time in the same town, and spent teenage friday nights doing the same thing; cruising whittier boulevard. we have different tastes in movies- him; sappy romances, me; gritty reality, but we both love crawdads and hush puppies. once the wine kicked in, i asked if he intended to hit on me.
no, he said, never on the first date, and believe it or not, he didn't.
then today, as i struggled to run receiving all by myself, the phone on the wall rang.
i don't have a delivery, he says, but i'd like to meet you for lunch.
and he did, in the walmart snackbar. he even paid for it.
i'm not sure what all this means, but the sheer possibility of it intrigues me. and besides, berries agrees with me; he looks just like brian dennehy, only better.

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