
08-07-02 - 7:10 p.m.

during monday audit, patrick came rushing in with beautiful flowers. befuddled by a cold, i thought they were meant to cheer me, until i read the card tucked between the blossoms.

it's been a magical two years.

an anniversary of sorts, august 5th, the day we drove forever in his car, holding hands, stopping for root beer floats and a look at a chapel high in the sunbaked foothills above cholame. it was our first real week together and the best friends at work turned out to be tentative strangers in bed. we were scared; terrified by our chemistry and guilt. at the end of that special day, we found ourselves pretending to be old married souls of 25 years, celebrating our milestone in a tattoo studio where patrick asked for color on my ankle. we played our roles flawlessly; while the artist added brilliant fireworks to the eiffel tower on my leg, patrick hovered nearby with concerned fascination, clutching my shoes. that night, he tenderly bathed the new tattoo, marveling at the artistry.

i wanted to brand you, he told me.

a bold but truthful statement; i can't look at my leg without remembering that perfect day of wanderlust, two magical years ago.

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