
06-23-04 - 10:55 a.m.

last night, in an effort to understand this new man who barely knows me but seems a little controling, (tell me you're my girl, buy this horse, don't buy that house, bank your money and move in with me and my grown kids who hate you) i asked ice-cream-jim;

what kind of woman are you looking for?

we were sitting in a bubble bath, listening to the new patti, washing off the sweet sweat from horse shopping. he looked at me and shrugged and answered;

i'm looking for susie homemaker.

if 'susie homemaker' involves wearing a long blond wig and love beads and gauze and groovily fucking to the doors, then i suppose i fit the bill. if 'susie homemaker' involves nuking a pan of frozen lasagna and throwing bagged lettuce in a bowl, then i can manage. but this guy wants balanced meals and somebody to monitor the after affects of agent orange. he wants a rapt audience for his constant musings on horse breeding and equine bloodlines. he wants to promptly roll over and sleep after supersonic sex. he wants a clone of the codger's wife, for christ's sake, and he doesn't even appreciate springsteen.

i dispatched him back to his messy household and his kids who hate me, and as i savored having the tub to myself, i thought;

there's more than one flavor of ice cream. maybe i'll try them all.

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