
06-01-02 - 5:30 p.m.

berries has developed a sudden enthusiasm for barbecueing. we're talking big chunks of charred meat. she has begun pricing new grills; the rusted weber left behind by her father just won't do. in the market, she hovers lovingly over the meat selection. she hunts for the sweetest ears of corn. on weekends, my tiny yard is filled with studded, tattooed punkers, grouped around the smoking weber, barbecue tools in one hand, long necked beers in the other, debating the best briquets and grill time. once everything is cooked to perfection, berries nags her beau into separating her chicken meat from the bones, sneers at the pink interior of the steak and spends the rest of the night picking remnants from her tongue stud.

ah, suburbia.

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