
04-28-02 - 1:47 p.m.

i went to a carnival last night with dave, the guy who invited me to shoot pool last week. since he's a friend of my daughter's boyfriend and we all went together, and since he works here at the hotel which makes him an employee, and since i'm in love with someone else, i didn't consider it a date. then he paid for my ticket and bought me several rounds of beer and made me laugh and won me a hideous stuffed animal on the midway, so perhaps it was a date. i'm not really sure what qualifies as a date. i'm not sure it matters, except that this guy is a burned out victim on the rebound with a brain tumor, living on borrowed time, and he told me he thinks about me alot, and patrick's gold ring on the third finger of my left hand "bugs the shit of him." and the whole time we were together on what might or might not be considered a date, i kept thinking about the man i love, and his idea of a date, which is a long drive in the moonlight with an occasional stop for a kiss or a rootbeer float.

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